Monday, August 12, 2013

5 Things Male Fertility affect

5 Things Male Fertility affect, beware

Most people feel infertility in males may be related to the presence of certain surgical procedures, hormonal imbalance in the body's endocrine system, and chemotherapy. However, there are in fact some of the most common reasons that can affect male fertility.

5 Things Male Fertility affect, beware

Fertility rate is determined by a complex process with many factors. Because of this biological process is so complex, the small things can also affect fertility. Including unhealthy sperm or reduced in number. Here are 5 things that can affect male fertility conditions, as reported by the Times of India, on Monday (08/12/2013):

1. The use of gadgets that are too hot

Be careful if you are using the gadget to overheat or overheat conditions around the genital area, for example by assuming the laptop. Because if the testes are too hot, then it tends to produce less sperm. In addition, frequent saunas or hot tubs also produce the same effect on the body.

2. Alcohol abuse

Drinking alcohol, either a little or a lot, can pose a variety of hazards to health risks, including lowering testosterone levels. In addition to causing erectile dysfunction, alcohol abuse also can permanently reduce production and the health of the sperm itself.

3. Obesity

Men should begin to limit your intake of fatty foods and drinks early on. Therefore, obese or overweight can damage your hormonal system become unbalanced and cause a reduction in sperm count.

4. Bicycle

Although cycling is one good way to keep the body beautiful shape, but also been shown to cause damage to the perineum and testicles. A disturbance in the two organs may decrease the number of healthy sperm. The same effect is often obtained through the use of motorcycles and horseback riding.

5. Jobs with high stress levels

Do not take for granted, work environment often create stress can also increase the risk of infertility by reducing the number of healthy sperm. In addition, scientists have concluded that the use of computers and other visual screen to excess can trigger hormonal reactions and make testosterone levels become unbalanced. Create a pleasant working atmosphere to reduce the stress that you face in the workplace.

Health and fitnes in life

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